Absolutely! WedUploader is free to use for your guests.
From the dashboard, grab your unique WedUploader album URL and share the link via email or your wedding website. You can also download the QR code to be used on table cards at the wedding and as an insert in thank you notes.
When friends and family upload files, WedUploader transfers those files directly to your Google DriveTM. You'll have full ownership of every picture and video from your big day!
WedUploader sends a notification email whenever new files are uploaded indicating the file name and the folder within your Google Drive the files are stored.
WedUploader has no limits however, Google provides 15 GB of free storage which is the equivilent of more photos than your guests can take plus over 90 minutes of video clips.
You can download all the files then delete the copy on Google Drive. An alternative would be to increase storage capacity of your Google Drive to 100GB for $2/month.
We recommend you create different WedUploader albums for each event so you can organize the memories.
This error occurs when WedUploader's permissions to your Google Drive have been revoked. To quickly solve the issue, navigate to your dashboard, logout of WedUploader, and then log back in.
There is a 15 MB size limit to your custom background image. If you need help reducing the resolution of the image you would like to use please contact us.
Nope, it is a one time payment.
The gallery never expires but you'll have the option to mark an album as "private" if you no longer wish for it to be public.
You only have to pay once and the gallery feature will be unlocked for all your WedUploader albums.
When you enable the gallery you unlock the feature, however, you will have to toggle your WedUploader album from "private" to "public" in order for the gallery to display on your WedUploader album page.